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Benefit Plan Trends Newsletter Vol. 58, #6

September 14, 2015

Workforce Investment Can Lead to Better Financial Performance Employers Increasingly Use Big Data to Manage Benefit Programs Executives and HR Managers Remain Skeptical of Evidence-Based HR…

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PCORI Fee Due July 31st

July 7, 2015

PCORI Fee Due July 31st Employers sponsoring self-funded health plans, including most HRAs, must file IRS Form 720 and pay the PCORI Fee by July 31st. What is the PCORI Fee? The PCORI Fee is an annual fee imposed on insured and self-funded health plans to help support the Patient-Centered ...

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Contraceptive Coverage and Women’s Preventative Care for Dependents

On May 11th, the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Treasury released guidance clarifying the rules related to the coverage of contraceptives. The guidance states that insurers must cover, without cost-sharing, at least one form of contraception in each of the 18 FDA identified categories. For instance, an ...

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COBRA Compliance – An Overview

COBRA is a federal law that allows employees and their covered spouses and dependents to continue their group health plan coverage for a limited time when they would otherwise lose their coverage. To be eligible for COBRA, the employer must be subject to COBRA, the individual must be a qualified ...

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What Employers Need to Know About the Cadillac Tax

The Cadillac Tax is an annual tax on high-cost employer-sponsored health plans and is scheduled to take effect in 2018. The Cost: The tax is equal to 40% of the cost of the plan that exceeds a predetermined “threshold amount.” Currently, the threshold amounts are set at $10,200 for single ...

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