Categories ArchivesBenefit Updates

Employees Call for More Technology Advances in the Workplace

October 3, 2016

Many employees believe their current workplace is not yet making effective use of the latest technology advances, but expect that in the future these advances will provide them with both quality-of-life and productivity benefits, the results of a global survey conducted by technology providers Dell and Intel showed …

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Concentration Difficult in Open-Plan Offices

September 6, 2016

While open-plan offices are meant to encourage collaboration and contribute to a collegial workplace culture, the threats to productivity and worker peace of mind caused by open-plan layouts are greater than most companies realize, according to the findings of a survey conducted by Oxford Economics …  

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Non-Smoking Incentive Programs

August 24, 2016

Non-smoking incentive programs have become a popular and effective way for employers to improve their employees’ health and control costs. With careful planning, an employer can offer an effective and compliant non-smoking incentive program …

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Americans Lack Confidence in Ability to Save for Retirement

August 4, 2016

While a majority of Americans continue to lack confidence in their ability to save enough for retirement, those who have access to a retirement plan at work are somewhat more confident about their financial future, and are considerably more likely to have set retirement savings goals than those who do ...

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Cash-in-Lieu of Benefits & Affordability

July 25, 2016

In early July the IRS released proposed regulations addressing how offering cash to employees who decline health insurance (cash-in-lieu of benefits) should be treated when calculating whether the health insurance an employer offers is “affordable” under the ACA …

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